Es que no mames weee...

"Se aprobecha por que está bien bueno" Es la frase que sigue después del título, o sea, hablamos del blog... También podríamos decir que el blog está bien chido perrón o algo parecido. La verdad es que es el blog más equis que te puedas encontrar, a veces con temas interesantes, a veces no tanto... haa... tú leelo y ya ;)

domingo, 20 de julio de 2008

Sin más palabras, estoy FELIZ.

j' aime milk rock
Si, si, si... Hoy estoy más que feliz... Cómo no estarlo si hoy me llamó cierta personita especial... pff... No mms... agh...
Bueno pues, tambien ando re-feliz por que mañanita me voy a Acapulco... Me hospedaré en una casa de la villa del Mayan Palace, así que si estan en Aca y me quieren buscar ya saben donde ;)... pff... Ya quiero que sea mañanin... pero a la vez quiero que sea la hora a la que me llamaron n.n

Ha, se me olvidaba mencionar que un amigo de Veracruz[se llama Carlos, le dicen Jugo] me dedicó cariñosamente ésta canción de Mew... Se llama Special. Qué bonito...
Sólo les pongo un la letra, despues buscan el video :D

Special - Mew

You're special
You're like a rocket through me
Ohh, you're special
You're a rocket through me
And I cannot this time

You can't say no
This time you will go

You're special
You're like a rocket through me
Ohh, you're special
You're like a rocket through me
And I cannot this time

There's a taste that you can't shake
But you can't seem to let them go away
I know you're special
You're a rocket to me
At this suprised
all the time
I know what you said to me
And I don't care at the same time
But i'll take you up and down
Address it to you

You're special
You're like a rocket through me
Ohh, you're special
You're a rocket through me
And I cannot this time

There's a taste that you can't shake
But you can't seem to let them go away
I know you're special
You're a rocket to me
At this suprised
all the time

You can't say no
This time you will go

I know what you said to me
And I don't care at the same time
But i'll take you up and down
Address it to you

Honey bee

I know what you said to me
And I don't care at the same time
And what do you stay to do?
I saw the worse of you

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